Forum Discussion

Philip_Lakic's avatar
11 years ago

The remote procedure call failed SSR 2013 during virtual conversion

I'm trying to restore a SSR image into an ESX/ESXi server.
I continually receive "the remote procedure call has failed" error when running the virtual conversion process.
The error occurs even if I try to convert the file to a .VHD for recovery into hyper-v.

Event Viewer Error:
Faulting application VProSvc.exe, version, faulting module VProImaging.dll, version, fault address 0x005b01f0.

I've tried running the virtual conversion process on Windows 7 Professional and a Windows 2003 Server box, but receive the same error.
I am in the process of verifying the recovery points; I am able to mount them and restore data so I don't believe there is an integrity issue.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what the issue might be?

  • The client didn't want to spend any more time on the issue so we closed the job.

    I can only put the error down to there being something wrong with the backup image.

8 Replies

  • There's nothing wrong with the connection to the ESX server. All is working as it should be. I'm doing a virtual conversion to it right now with another set of image files.

    I suspect there is something wrong with this one particular image file. Even though the image file verifies, is mountable and data can be restored from the image, there's something with this particular file that just causes the vprosvc.exe to crash.

    Are there any other tools that can be used to verify the files integrity?


  • As you are seeing a crash in VProSvc, can you please open a case with support?

    If yes, please let me know what the case number is.

    Also, what version of ESX are you trying to convert to?

  • Symantec Technical Suport case number 05681868 Unable to run one time virtual conversion.

    So far the only thing we've worked out is that the one time virtual conversion works with other backup sets, but not with the latest one which is required.

  • The client didn't want to spend any more time on the issue so we closed the job.

    I can only put the error down to there being something wrong with the backup image.