Forum Discussion

sandys's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Unable to create incremental recovery point.

i got following errors every hour alternatviely..



Date: 4/18/2012 14:02:12 PM

Notification Type: Error

Priority: High

  Description: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of New Volume (D:\).

  Error E0BB0083: Unable to create incremental recovery point.

  Error E7C3000F: Device \\?\SymantecSnapshot1 cannot read 20480 sectors starting at LBA 6237688.

  Error EBAB03F1: Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.

  Error E0BB0083: Unable to create incremental recovery point.

  Details: 0xE0BB0083

  • Solved


    1. Run the Fixinstall.bat

    2. Run partInfo.exe from Utility folder

    3. After finding no errors in above log just rebooted the machine and run the chkdsk command while rebooting.

    4. Now the backups are working as scheduled.


12 Replies