Forum Discussion

mickelingon's avatar
14 years ago

When restoring data disk server fail to start


Im using BESR 2010 to backup and restore a SQL server.

I can restore C: drive, but when I restore the D: the server fails to start.

Any thoughts on this. Have I missed any settings?


7 Replies

  • It is possible that during the restore of the D:\, the option to make the partition bootable was checked.

    Is C:\ the operating system drive? If so, try restoring the D:\ drive from within Windows. If this is not possible, then try restoring the C:\ again from the recovery disk, restoring over the top of C:\ you just restored and keeping the checkmark in the option to make that partition bootable.

  • Hi

    I've restored D: within the OS after restoring C:
    Everything works fine and I can start applications on D: (SQL) until I restart the server, then it can't boot and want me to repair the OS installation.

    I've tried restoring C: after this, booting on the BESR CD. Result: It works. But the restore scenario taks longer doing all the steps over and over.


  • After you restore the C:\ but before you restore the D:\, can you reboot over and over without any problems? Does it seem to happen only after you restore the D:\? 

  • One thing - on this server, if possible, can you start a whole fresh backup job? I want to rule out the possibility that SSR is tripping on something BESR left behind. As a test, do this:

    • Stop the Symantec System Recovery and the Generic Mount Services.
    • Go into SSR and delete the backup job.
    • Go to the C:\Users\All Users\Symantec\RPAM folder and delete everything in there.
    • Go to the C:\Users\All Users\Symantec\Symantec System Recovery\ and delete the 'history' and 'schedule' folders.
    • Restart the SSR and Generic Mount services.
    • Create a new share on the NAS.
    • Create the new backup job in SSR, pointing the backups to the new share. (Do not delete the old backup destination off the share as that is your last known good backup for this server)
  • When you say the server fails to start, what exactly do you mean? Where does the boot fail?