Forum Discussion

warney76's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

BE 12.5 advice needed for D2D2T

Hi folks - i am currently setting up a D2D2T backup policies using BE12.5 and am looking for adivce on best practice for backing them all up. I currently backup 19 servers fully between Monday to Friday but nothing gets done over the weekend - the total for 1 days backup is around 350gb.  I only have 1 file server and planned on differentially backing this up daily and continue with full backups on the other servers between Monday and Saturday then on Sunday doing a full backup for the week and at the end of every month do a monthly backup. For this to work i think i need around 23 tapes?!?
I currently have an autotape loader that can hold up to 16 disks with tapes 400gb/800gb and a storage server which has 4TB.

whilst doing some testing i broke the 19 servers in to 2 seperate policies so servers 1-9 then 10-19 (once a policy is finished it gets backed up to tape) all full backups would i best to just use 1 policy for full backups?

Can anyone see any major flaws in this plan or can give some advice it will be greatfully recieved as i am still new to BE12.5.

Many thanks in advance

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