Forum Discussion

Smiley_Mak's avatar
Level 4
17 years ago

Backup Exec 11d on SQL or MSDE

Hi there,
Need to reinstall a server (crushed) and I don't know their (my client) environment, they are on SBS 2003 std, can I install the Backup Exec 11d on MSDE or does it has to have SQL database.
Appreciate of your help

6 Replies

  • Recommended method is to install into the SQL Express instance that comes with 11d.  But if you want to install to your own SQL instance you can.
  • Hi there,
    I am afraid I don't know the differences between sql and msde. I was asked by the person who is going to install it and I have no clue. The last time when I installed the 11d, the client already running 10d so I just 'upgrade' the backup exec and didn't need to check for anything else.
    I take that the 11d has to be some form of sql database. But for my limited knowledge mind, I need to ask this question, it is prefer on sql but would it be possible on msde. Anyone had install theirs on msde please ?
  • Yes, MSDE is now called SQL express. It comes with backup exec, and you can use that.
  • thank you for the reply.
    Does it bundle into the software or do I have to pull it down. I checked the license portal and don't seem to see it anywhere.
    In case, it turns out I needed to do the installation, If it is bundled with the backup software, do I get an option to install it while installing the backup or does it has to be installed seperately.
    many thanks
  • It is bundled with the installation.  When you install Backup Exec it gives you the option to install it or use your own SQL instance.  Since you are not that familiar with SQL I would suggest letting backup exec install the bundled sql express (msde) instance.
  • Hi there,
    It turned out I will be the one to install it at the last minute. If none of you around today then I am b.......
    Do an manual check on services which already has a service MSSQL$BackkupExec running. An other service SQLAgent$BackupExec is on but set to manually start.
    Did an environment check which said An older version of SQL server has been detected on this machine. The older verion may not be selected to use with Backup Exec. Instead, choose to install a new SQL Express instance or choose an existing SQL server 2000 (SP3a or later) instance during the installation.
    there is a big red cross in front of the list
    Instance : SBSMonitoring, Version : 2000 SP4
    Instance : Sharepoint, Version :2000 Sp4
    Instance : BESmgmt, version 2000 SP 3a
    Instance : BESDBASE, version 2000 SP4
    Instance : BackExec, version 2000 SP 3a
    I assume I could use this instance - BACKEXEC, version 2000 SP 3a. But I don't know how this get there and my supervisor had not get back to me whether he had done anything on this. As far as I know he has been doing somework in the server but I don't know what.
    My question is since I don't know how that instance get there and don't know what else are important. Could it be safe to install Backup Exec 11d on the 2000 SP 3a instance.
    many thanks