Forum Discussion

corycar's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Backup Exec 2010 sp2 - 2 questions


My company is running SP2 of Backup Exec.  Has anyone had any problems upgrading to SP3? It's been out long enough now that I figured the bugs should have been found/worked out by now.

I called Symantec tech support, got transferred 5 times asking the same question - and nobody knew anything...

  1. If I upgrade to sp3 - will I have to rebuild my backup jobs?
  2. When I install the newer client on my servers, will they require a reboot?

Due to some "ancient" servers we are still running - we can't upgrade to 2012 at this time - otherwise we would.




My current version of 2010 sp2 keeps saying that I have 36 servers needing an upgrade - and the directions to do so (Tools -> Install agents and Media servers -> etc).  When I try from my BackupExec server however - it cannot find any servers except one - and when it tries to do the 9 updates on THAT server, it just fails.  What am I missing?

 - My backups to disk work just fine - and the duplicate to tape works just fine....   weird.


THANKS for any help anyone can throw my way.



  • Hi,


    While there might be no known issues, there have been issues during upgrades. Check the forums where these are detailed.

    From my side, I've had the BEDB being wiped out during the SQL Express upgrade as McAfee decided to block the installation. During the rollback of the upgrade, the contents of the BEDB were lost.

    ISO images get corrupted; AVs causes issues etc, so it does happen.


9 Replies

  • Hi First of all there is no service pack 3 ,if you are on version. BE2010 then we have only sp1 ,if you are on BE2010 r2 we have sp1 only ,if you are on BE2010 r3 we have sp2 has last no service pack 3 so hope that answers and clear your doubts now. 1. If I upgrade to sp3 - will I have to rebuild my backup jobs? 2. When I install the newer client on my servers, will they require a reboot? Hi reboot is not required when you updates the client ,so it will not restart your computer automatically after doing updates ,but you can choose to restart them once later on. About re,note agent showing updates but not getting updated for that please try doing silent install on that particular remote server and that should help to update it Use the 3rd way in link below to do silent install. Thanks
  • Oops... stupid me - I DID mean BE2010 R3

    Any problems with it?  My boss is more paranoid than I am - are there any known conflicts?



    2nd Question


    When you say to do a silent install on a remote server - I assume it doesn't matter that it has the agent installed already, right? It will just update it?  and STILL no reboot required?



  • Hi


    I DID mean BE2010 R3,

    Fine if it is BE 2010 R3 then no service pack 3 released yet ,we have service pack 2 for it.


    When you say to do a silent install on a remote server - I assume it doesn't matter that it has the agent installed already, right? It will just update it?  and STILL no reboot required?

    NO ,It won't matter even if remote agent is not installed ,if it is not installed it will install remote agent & yes reboot is not required.  Also ensure you install only remote agent and not AOFO option as installing that option install the driver called vsp.sys and which requires a reboot & but it is not recommended to install AOFO on win2003 and above OS as we would be using VSS to perform open file backup

    Hope that helps


  • As the name BE 2012 R3 implies, this is a refresh of BE 2010 which is almost like a new release.  You would need to reboot the servers after installing it.  Doing a silent install does not remove this requirement.  If you do not have the time to re-boot alll your server, you can do it in stages.  BE 2012 R3 will work with older BE 2010 agents, but you should upgrade your remote agents as soon as possible.

    After you have installed R3, run LU a couple of times to upgrade to SP2 and the hotfixes after that.  After all the updates are done, you can then push out the remote agents.

  • My last standing question is this:


    Has anyone had ANY issues upgrading BE 2010 r2 to BE2010 R3?  Our oldest server is running Windows 2000 server - which is why we can't upgrade to BE 2012. The rest of my servers are a mix of Server 2003 and 2008.

    I am truthfully terrified of having to re-create my backup schedule - it's a nightmare.


    Thanks for any advice

  • There are no known issues of upgrading R2 to R3, to be on a safer side before upgrading stop SQL

    service and make a copy of DATA and CATALOGS folder.

  • Hi,


    While there might be no known issues, there have been issues during upgrades. Check the forums where these are detailed.

    From my side, I've had the BEDB being wiped out during the SQL Express upgrade as McAfee decided to block the installation. During the rollback of the upgrade, the contents of the BEDB were lost.

    ISO images get corrupted; AVs causes issues etc, so it does happen.
