Forum Discussion

lovalles's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Backup Exec 2012 and Enterprise Vault Login Issues

Currently Backup Exec 2012

Service Pack 1

Hotfix 189571

Hotfix 180964

Hotfix 194470

Hotfix 199866

Hotfix 200433.

Enterprise Vault 10.

BE Server is not part of the Vault Domain.

When installing the Agent to the Vault server, backing up the Vault Store got the following error.

Checkpoint restart cannot be applied to the following resource(s):

 EV-DDB::\\EV\SQL.local\Directory DB (SQL.local/EnterpriseVaultDirectory), EV-MDB::\\EV\SQL.local\SITE\Monitoring DB (SQL.local/EnterpriseVaultMonitoring), EV-SIT::\\EV\SQL.local\VaultSiteThe logon account that was provided does not have valid credentials.
Ensure that the user name and password are correct, and then try again.

If i got to the job and test all the credentials and all results are sucessfull.

i have open a Support ticket and Level 1 told me this is a known issue and exaleted the ticket.

Still waiting.





2 Replies

  • Is checkpoint restart enabled in the backup job ? If yes, have you disabled it & retried the backup ?

  • Checkpoint Restart was enabled. However Disabling did not make any difference.