Forum Discussion

pcnetnet's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Backup Lotus notes mailbox Urgent

<p>Hi All, </p><p>I want backup our user mailbox , but cannot backup the file (nsf file)&nbsp;, i setup the job backup folder d:\lotus\notes\domain\data\mail\*.* , all mailbox size about 80GB , when start the job , use about 45min , but last backup size total 5MB . all mailbox not backup, on the Job History is completed and successful. no any error ? what is wrong ??? and i enable the logging on server , the logfile display &quot;6280] 12/15/08 14:40:32 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:32 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:35 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:35 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:39 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:39 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:42 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:42 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:45 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:45 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:48 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:48 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:51 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:51 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:54 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:54 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: previous object type: MD_OBJTYPE_ACTIVEJOBEX<br />[6280] 12/15/08 14:40:57 99 PERFORMANCE WARNING: GetByteSize incorrect, finding object type...</p><p>&quot;</p><p>this is problem ????????? THANKS ALL </p>
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