Forum Discussion

Future5's avatar
Level 4
17 years ago

Cannot Move BEDB Database

I am trying to move the BEDB Database from a SQL 2000 Server to a SQL 2005 Server as we have installed a new server and started migrating our applications over.
I have tried following the instructions at but when I select the new location and click OK I get a prompt advising that services will be stopped in order to continue - I click OK to this and after a few seconds the BEUtility application exits without warning.
I am running BE 10d SP3 (reported in BEUtility as v10, b5629, r01).
Any ideas?

9 Replies

  • Thanks
    I have had a look at that but my version is already greater than that and I am able to backup SQL 2005 databases without problem.
    An Application Error is logged when BEUtility exits as follows:
    Faulting application BEUtility.exe, version 10.1.5629.34, faulting module BEUtility.exe, version 10.1.5629.34, fault address 0x0006cbbf.
  • Anyone?
    I need to do this soon as I will be decomissioning the old SQL server in the near future.
  • I guess that the deafening silence means that Symantec support are (as usual) next to useless!
  • After Symantec bought BackupExec, these "moderated" forums became Peer-to-Peer.
    Symantec Employees come in as their schedules permit, primarily in the v11d forum
    Don't have a clue as to why you cannot move the MSDE to SQL 2005, sorry
  • Keith, did you find out why BEUtility was termianted while trying to move database from MSDE to SQL2005? I'm having exactly same problem
  • Rafal - I have still not found a solution to this problem.  I am not moving from MSDE however, I am moving from full SQL 2000 to full SQL 2005.
    I need to decomission the old SQL server in the near future so unless I can find a solution, I will have to simply reinstall BE and point it to a new server - although I want to avoid that as I want the history.