Forum Discussion

Carlos_Lamb's avatar
18 years ago

Error: 1065 The database specified does not exist

Could not start the Backup Exec Device & Media Service service on the local computer.

I can connect to the database successfully from the SQL manager. I have Detached and Reatached the database successfully. I have tried a repair of Backup Exec from Add and Remove Programs.

Using the Microsoft Component Checker Version 2 we have found...

1. We are using MDAC 2.8 SP2 on Windows Server 2003 SP1
2. We have a mismatch MSADCO.DLL expected 2.82.1830.0 actual is 2.82.2651.0

How do we correct the mismatched dll? Is this preventing the service from starting or is it something else?

We cannot run the backups without this service running. Need help ASAP!

3 Replies

  • Hi Carlos,

    I am having exactly the same issue. Were you able to get this resolved?

  • We also are running into the same issue with Backup Exec 10. Any fixes out there yet for this?
  • On the BackupExec Product page
    enter " The database specified does not exist" and filter for v10

    there a a bunch of hits.