Forum Discussion

ccesar_qp's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Estrategia de backup - BE 2014

Bom dia Senhores.


Estou planejando a estrategia de backup para o meu ambiente, aqui tenho o seguinte:

Failover Cluster com Hyper-v e em torno de 70 Vm´s espalhadas em 4 nós (Servidores de APP, BD, TS, File Server, Citrix e Portais)

Cerca de 20 maquinas fisicas

Pensei na seguinte estrategia

Backup Diario - Retenção de 6 dias Incremental

Backup Semanal - Retenção de 4 semanas Full

Backup mensal - Retenção de 360 dias Full

o que acham?

minhas duvidas são

Devo criar um job para cada tipo de backup?

no caso de ter um job para cada, exemplo o backup Diario que é incremental, deverá utilizar como referencia o backup FULL Semanal ou devo ter o backup full diario para referencia do Incremental e mais um job para o backup semanal também Full.

Devo criar um media set para cada tipo de backup, tipo um pool de fitas para cada um ? como devo fazer isto?

Obrigado desde ja.

  • Yes.  Each scheduled job can contain a series of jobs and each of these individual jobs can target one media set.

    You need a minimum of 2 jobs.  One with AOF on for file backups and another with AOF off for database backups.

    For jobs superceding, see my article below

    This is still valid for BE 2014

3 Replies

  • You can create a scheduled job containing all the jobs that you described. The daily incremental jobs will use the weekly full backups as a baseline. You would probably want to run your monthly job such that it starts at the same time as the weekly job so that it supercede the weekly job. You would need to create media sets for each retention period that you want. You can do so by using the Storage Wizard
  • Great, thank you.


    So i can set on weekly one media set and on diary other media set, in the same job rigth?

    I´ll create the jobs, separating it by type of data, like one job for DataBase, one job for App, on job for FS and into this jobs i´ll put all the servers related,

    What you think?

    then i create a new one job as Monthly in the same date and time of weekly, then it will supercede automatically?


    One more thing, wich is the best way to get the size of all my backups

  • Yes.  Each scheduled job can contain a series of jobs and each of these individual jobs can target one media set.

    You need a minimum of 2 jobs.  One with AOF on for file backups and another with AOF off for database backups.

    For jobs superceding, see my article below

    This is still valid for BE 2014