Forum Discussion

Dan_Klassen's avatar
13 years ago

Exchange 2007 Logs flushed, but database not marked as backed up

Server 1: Exchange 2007 SP3 on Server 2003 R2 SP2 x64 Standard

Server 2: Backup Exec 12.5 (rev.2213) on Server 2003 R2 SP2 x32 Standard with LTO-4 drive

We just realized that, BE is flushing the db logs with each full backup, but the databases are not being marked as "backed up" at all. The backups themsevles are showing as completed, and the job log does not record any errors. I've done some searching on the internet and have found very little to help identify this issue. I would very much appreciate any insight on what I can do to make sure the databases are marked as backed-up.

Thank you in advance.


  • Well, after much frustration, I discovered that there is a caviat to running the get-mailboxdatabase command with format-list...

    If you don't include the -status switch it returns the blank results as above. If you include the switch, suddently all those backup fields are populated with accurate data.

    I wish that information wasn't so hard to find, but hopefully this post can help save someone else a little time and frustration.


5 Replies

  • Hi DK,


    If you're using AOFO in your job, turn it off...this causes issues with backups of databases. Rather let the media server use VSS and choose which provider to use.



  • I do have the AOFO enabled, but have it set to "automatically select open file technology" and it seems to be choosing VSS as evidenced by the following lines in the job log.

    AOFO: Started for resource: "\\...\...\Default Storage Group". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
    The following volumes are dependent on resource: "X:" "Y:"
    The snapshot provide used by VSS for volume X: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (version
    The snapshot provide used by VSS for volume Y: - Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0 (version
    Basically, the entire job log is consistent in referring to VSS and Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider.
    Would you still suggeste disabling AOFO altogether?
  • Dan,

    It is a Good practice not have AOFO on Database backups. as the AOFO will Exclusively Lock the Files That is supposed to be Done by the Exchange writers.


    Turning the AOFO is a Must with the Job with Exchange database selected.


    And Did You check the last backup status In the GUI or in the command line?


    Let us know how it goes..




  • I just ran an exchange-only backup without the AOFO option selected - only the Exchange Information Stores was selected in the backup... nothing else. I did have the GRT options selected. Unfortunatley, no change.

    I had used the get-mailboxdatabase command to check the backed-up status both before and after this backup. It's unchanged. The following fields are all empty:

    SnapshotLastFullBackup         :
    SnapshotLastIncrementalBackup  :
    SnapshotLastDifferentialBackup :
    SnapshotLastCopyBackup         :
    LastFullBackup                 :
    LastIncrementalBackup          :
    LastDifferentialBackup         :
    LastCopyBackup                 :

  • Well, after much frustration, I discovered that there is a caviat to running the get-mailboxdatabase command with format-list...

    If you don't include the -status switch it returns the blank results as above. If you include the switch, suddently all those backup fields are populated with accurate data.

    I wish that information wasn't so hard to find, but hopefully this post can help save someone else a little time and frustration.
