Forum Discussion

Marco31's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Frage zu Backup Exec Agent & Lizensierung

Hallo Forum,

ich bin gerade am Testen von Backup Exec 2012. Getestet habe ich bisher die Sicherung des BE-Servers und eines DC. Um die richtige Anzahl der (nach erfolgreichem Test) notwendigen Lizenzen zu ermitteln, habe ich das license assessment tool ausgeführt. Hier wird mir dann nach Abschluss der Backups angezeigt, dass ich 1 Lizenz "Agent for Applications and Databases" sowie 1 Lizenz "Agent for Windows" benötige.

Diese Rechnung ist mir noch nicht ganz klar; die 1 Lizenz Agent für Windows für den DC ist klar, aber benötige ich für die interne SQL-Express DB von BE2012 tatsächlich die Agent-Lizenz Applications and Databases? Sollte ein Backup-Programm nicht in der Lage sein, die eigene DB ohne zusatzkosten zu sichern?

Und was ist mit der Lizenz für BackupExec Server, diese müsste ich doch auch noch beschaffen?

Was habe ich hier falsch verstanden??


    If you want to protect only the Exchange 2010 Server, you will require a Application and Database License.

    Since you mention the Exchange 2010 server is a virtual machine, you can also use an Agent for VMWare and Hyper-V.

    Note: For granular recovery of Exchange data in an Exchange 2010 environment., the Agent for Windows is required to be installed on each Exchange 2010 Client Access Server (CAS). This is a Backup Exec GRT specific requirement for Exchange 2010. You DO NOT require to purchase the Agent for Windows license for this, simply install the Agent on Exchange 2010 CAS.

7 Replies

  • With the core Backup Exec license you can protect (backup) the Backup Exec media server (itself)

    Backup Exec will automatically take a backup of its own database every morning 4:00 a.m. (this is the default behavior). It will save the backup as .BAK files in Data folder. So you dont need anyt SQL Agent license for backing up the BEDB.

  • No need to have any agent for protecting BE database.

    "Agent for Applications and Databases" does protect Microsoft Active Directory. License assessment tool might be showiing Application and Databases agent for protecting your AD.

  • Ok, very well. Another question about licensing; if i want to backup only the Information Store of our (virtual) Exchange 2010 Server, do i need licenses both for windows agent and application and database or only a license for application and database?


  • You need to have an agent for vmware or hyper-v to protect virtual machines (depending on your setup).

    For protecting applictions residing inside virtual machines, you have to install remote agent for windows on virtual machine and specific license on media server (in your case exchange license on media server).

    Have a look at Agents & Options in the following URL for better understanding:


    If you want to protect only the Exchange 2010 Server, you will require a Application and Database License.

    Since you mention the Exchange 2010 server is a virtual machine, you can also use an Agent for VMWare and Hyper-V.

    Note: For granular recovery of Exchange data in an Exchange 2010 environment., the Agent for Windows is required to be installed on each Exchange 2010 Client Access Server (CAS). This is a Backup Exec GRT specific requirement for Exchange 2010. You DO NOT require to purchase the Agent for Windows license for this, simply install the Agent on Exchange 2010 CAS.

  • The Server itself where Exchange is installed is a VM on an ESXI-Host, the VM's re saved daily with another Backup-Software. This should not be changed. I only want BE for saving the Exchange Information Store 1-2 times daily, so i'm able to recover deleted or broken Items like Mails, Calendars, Mailboxes etc.

    So if i understand right i only have to purchase the Agent for Application and Database, and NO Agent for Windows?