Forum Discussion

Domenic_Alvaro's avatar
20 years ago

Macintosh Agent and long file names

I have a customer with Backup Exec 10 for Windows Servers with the Macintosh Agent installed. There are having a problem backing up files on a mac whose path exceeds 256 characters.

The information I have been given by Veritas states that this is a limitation of the Windows operating system, which doesn't support long path names, like Mac and UNIX systems do.

If Mac systems do support long file names and the agent supports Macintosh systems, then it makes sense that the Macintosh agent would be able to backup files paths over 256 characters.

Is there something I am missing?

3 Replies

  • Hello,

    MAC agent cannot recognise filenames with more than 256 characters as a workaround you can rename these files.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • G'Day

    I am also having an issue with the Macintosh long names. The Mac Admin has informed me that he has installed colorsync for the users and this creates huges file names (eg 0063006f006d002e006100700070006c0065002e005300610066006100720069/005400720061006e0073006c00610074006f0072002d004c006500670061006300790043006f006e006400750069007400420075006e0064006c00650050006100740068004b00650079).

    I cannot rename these as they are generated by the application.

    The argument that this is a Windows limitation is crud, the reason we use agents is so as to avoid OS issues. The data and file name is only being passed between the Media Server and the Agent.
  • Hello,

    Please update us on this issue.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.