Forum Discussion

Karen_Gallaghar's avatar
18 years ago

Modified scheduled task in 11d (7170) causes it to skip the next occurance

I recently updated to 11d 7170 (weekend before last).  When I changed the jobs to a new changer, they skipped the next date, rescheduling to run the date after.  Editing doesn't fix it.  There was a hot fix for this for 11d 6235.  The release notes of  11d 7170 claims it is fixed, but it does not appear to be fixed.  As there are 18 jobs scheduled over the next 4 weeks, I don't want to recreate them. How do I get them to run when they are supposed to?

5 Replies

  • Karen,
    I will look into the issue in 7170.
    But to resolve your issue right away the work around before the HF in 6235 was to edit the job to run now, with the submit job on hold checked off.
    Go back into the job and change the schedule.
    You can then take the job off of hold and should run as expected.
    Please let me know if this takes care of the issue for you.
  • That workaround does work.  Thanks.  Bit of a pain, though, with 18 jobs scheduled over a month of time.  Especially for a problem supposedly fixed.
    I do appreciate the workaround, though.  It is better than having to completely recreate every job.
  • Thanks Karen.
    I will do some testing here and see what I can find out about the issue.
    I will post what I find.
  • I have the exact same problem.  The workaround helped for now, but I too am interested in the permanent fix.
  • We have seen the issue pop back up with 7170.  From the testing I've done, it only seems to happen if the job was created in version 6235 and it was upgraded to 7170.  We are aware of the issue, unfortunately I don't have a time frame for when a patch will be released.