Forum Discussion

Mike_Jendrejcak's avatar
19 years ago

New BE v10 system won't catalog old BEv8.6 tapes

Built new system with 2003 server sp1 and BE v10 with new lto1 drive to replace a 2000 sp4 lto1 library. This new system is just to inventory, catalog and restore old media as we moved to netbackup.

All catalog jobs fail on the 8.6 media with the following info;

"Loading media-based catalog set contents from the storage media.
Storage device "HP 1" reported an error on a request to read data from media.

Error reported:
The semaphore timeout period has expired.

V-79-57344-34032 - The device timed out."

Tools-options-catalog-use storage based is not checked.
No errors in event viewer.

4 Replies

  • tired another 8.6 tape.

    ran inventory 100% successful
    ran catalog with immedaite failure;
    "Catalog 00012 -- The job failed with the following error: The requested media is not listed in the media index and could not be mounted. To add the media's catalog information to the disk-based catalogs, run an inventory operation on the media and resubmit the Catalog operation.
  • One possibility for the error in your 2nd post is that the tape you cataloged is not the first tape in the backup series (the backup spanned multiple tapes) and you had not inventoried the first tape in the backup series. You would need to Inventory all of your 8.6 tapes into your new backup server first. then start performing catalog jobs. I would recommend that you sort all tapes by their allocation times, and catalog tapes from oldest to newest allocation times.

    Also, Netbackup has the ability to import Backup Exec tapes (it can read the MTF format, and can be set to not overwrite MTF formatted tapes).
  • We had veritas\symantec on - site to install netbackup v5.1 and they told us 5.1 does not work with BE8.6 tapes. This was after they deleted my catalog folder.

    I'll try to inventory all tapes first then catalog.
  • Hi,

    After inventorying the tape, you could change the value of the following key to 0:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/VERITAS/BackupExec/Engine/TapeFormat/UseFastFileRestore and revert back the change once the restore is completed.

    Hope it helps!

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