Forum Discussion

David_Berry's avatar
20 years ago

Remote Server Backup

I have two 2003 Servers, each with a licensed copy of BE 9.1, each with its own scsi tape drive. The Servers run a backup of their own data every night onto their own tape drive. All was well until the scsi card failed on one of the Servers. Let's call it Server1. This is a hardware issue, and I'll eventually figure it out. In the meantime, Server1 is not able to perform a backup to tape. I'd like to back it up on the other server's tape drive, but Server1 can not be selected for backup on Server2's console, because "a license key for BE Remote Agent is not installed on the machine." Is there a way around this? Server1 has a fully licensed copy of BE 9.1 on it. I'm surprised I can't select it for backup. Maybe I need a special agent to do this?

3 Replies

  • Hello,

    Regarding the problem that you are facing, the following guidelines will be useful to resolve this issue:
    - Make sure that Remote agent service is running with a local system account on the Backup Exec server.
    - Ensure that Backup Exec service account is a member of local as well as Domain administrators group. Remove this account from backup operators group. Log on the server with Backup Exec service account and check if
    System State can be selected for backup.

    Revert with the results.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • Hello. I tried your suggestions, but no luck. The Remote Agent service is running on both servers, with a local system account. The service account is a member of the correct groups. I still cannot select Server1 from Server2's console. The checkbox is grayed-out. This is the case even if I logon as the BE service account.

    Any further suggestions? Thanks.
  • Hello,

    To backup server1 from server2 :

    Server2 needs to see server1 like any other server on the network for this you need to stop all backup exec services except the remote agent service.

    Secondly and more importantly you will need to enter a remote agent license key on server2 t=in order to backup server1.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.