Forum Discussion

reduk's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Restore from tape hangs at "Loading Media"

I have a file I am trying to restore from a LTO, on an ADIC Scalar i500.

I have inventoried the tape, and cataloged it.  When performing the restore, it hangs on "Loading Media" and constantly moves the tape between the slots and the drive.
Can anyone help?

I don't know if it is significant, but this is not the server on which the original backup was taken, but a colleague has moved the catalogs over from the old server, and we are using the same tape hardware.

5 Replies

  • Is there More than one tape that is part of the backup set?  It could be looking for another tape to perform the restore.  Try doing a long catalog of the tape and then try the restore again.   To do this go the tools/options/catalog and uncheck the top two options. 
  • Does it do this with all tapes? If so, I'd suggest downloading your manufacturer's diagnostic application for that drive and testing it.
    Moving between tape and slot sounds like it's a hardware issue. I'd assume That if you were trying to restore from a tape with a specific name/barcode, and that was in the unit, it wouldn't be a faulty tape.
    Do you not get any queries to put in another tape in your Job MOnitor?
  • The catalog job fails with error:

    "Final error: 0xe0000900 - The requested media is not listed in the media index and could not be mounted. To add the media's catalog information to the disk-based catalogs, run an inventory operation on the media and resubmit the Catalog operation.
    Final error category: Backup Media Errors"

    But I have imported and inventoried the tape.

    This error occurs on both the original and new BE servers, and with all tapes.
  • I noticed on the old server that the tape was listed both on its own, and as part of a spanned backup.

    When inserting all tapes into the new media server, and doing a long catalog, it populated the catalog with resources from the spanned job.  However, the spanned job occured before the single tape job, and the single tape job is the one I need to restore.

    Any ideas?
  • ...ja, try see if you can get hold of a hardware utility from your hardware vendor, and test for problems.
    You can also try shutting down the drive, and the server, and then removing the drive. There is a whole bunch of troubleshooting tips from Symantec on their website, and you can check it out here:

    Are you able to back up to the device? Patch level of Backup Exec and the version?