Forum Discussion

Brian_Christoff's avatar
20 years ago

Unable to attach to <Exchange server> Errors

I searched the Veritas KB and each of the 3 issues are not applicable to us, but we are still getting these errors.

1. The login is in the local admin group
2. We are doing full backups on both
....what else can it be?

Unable to attach to \\NHEX01\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes.
Unable to attach to \\NHEX01\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes.
Unable to attach to \\NHEX01\Microsoft Exchange Public Folders.
Unable to attach to \\NHEX01\Microsoft Exchange Public Folders.
Network control connection is established between <-->
Network data connection is established between <-->


7 Replies

  • Hello,

    Try this general technote on 'unable to attach' it has other lonks on particular isues:

    Title :"Unable to attach to one of the drives" (a000848c HEX or e000848c HEX) is reported when a job fails

    Also try recreating the job after the manips to verify.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.
  • Renuka,

    I have walked thru each and every item in the 266177 document you mentioned below as well as all "related" articles to no avail.

    The BackupExec user logon and its password are confirmed as setup and consistent across the board on the local exch srvr as well as in ADUC.

    When I am in BackupExec and Job Setup Full Properties | Source-Selections window ... when I select any such as C, D, E, etc. on any of the servers/drives it shows me the subselections. However, when I click on the Mailbox or Public Folders items ... it immediately pops up the Logon Account Selection window with a message at the top showing

    Logon Account "NEWHOPE\Backup Service Account" failed to access "\\NHEX01\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes". Access is denied.

    Same error with Public Folders.

    This is essentially the same issue as reported in the log files mentioned in the initial post .. which are re-occurring each day.

    However, the BackupExec logon account is confirmed setup exactly the same way on each server, etc.

    The only thing I noticed is that the logon account was located in a unusual place in ADUC so I moved it to my Managed Objects OU ... but that should not make a difference.

    Any other suggestions are very appreciated.

  • Hello Brian,

    Ensure that the Backup Exec service account that you are using for Exchange backups is not hidden in the Global address list. If yes, this error can occur. You need to thus make the account visible. For more instructions on this, you can refer to the technote given below:

    Title:"Logon Account " " failed to access "\\SERVER\Microsoft Exchange Mailbox". Access Denied." is returned when attempting to select Microsoft Exchange mailboxes.

    Hope this helps. Do write back to the forum if the problem persists.

    If we do not receive your update within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

  • Hi,

    The Veritas service account should have an active mail box created on the Exhange Server . This user account and the mail box should be a unique one.


  • Hello -- and thanks for the additional information.

    The user is unique and has a mailbox and email setup on Exchange. However, it was "hidden" from the GAB. I unchecked the Hide from GAB and will wait for this evenings backup to determine if that is the culprit to the problem.

    I'll report back soon. Thanks again!

  • Hello,

    Sorry fot he delay in answering, Please perform the following suggestions to troubleshoot an "Unable to attach" error when trying to backup/restore Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes:

    1. Ensure that the job is being created while logged in as the Backup Exec default logon account.
    2. Verify that the Backup Exec logon account mailbox is not hidden.
    3. Verify that the Backup Exec logon account has Domain Admin and Local Administrative rights.
    4. Verify that the Backup Exec logon account has Service Account Admin rights at the Site level in Exchange.
    5. Verify that mail can be sent to and from the Backup Exec logon account mailbox.
    6.Verify that the logon account user is visible in the global address list.
    7. Verify that the Backup Exec logon account has Full exchange admin rights at the Site level in Exchange.
    8. Verify that the account name is unique.

    Also please refer to the following technote to help in resolving the issue:

    NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.
  • Apparently, the culprit was the login being "hidden" from the GAB. Those errors are now gone.

    Thanks to everyone!!
