Forum Discussion

wellssh's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

NBU 7.5.04 - Image Cleanup Status 1

For the last week or so we've noticed that our Image Cleanup jobs are not completing successfully.  The status is 1 with the following job details: 4/2/2014 12:53:19 AM - Info bpdbm(pid=4876) imag...
  • Deb_Wilmot's avatar
    11 years ago

    Interesting issue.  You might want to create the bpdm log on the media servers to see if we ever connect.  A 25 typically is a socket connection error(normally reverse hostname lookup).

    Another thing that might be helpful is to check the database tables to see if you still have an entity named wildisk in the tables.

    To do that, from the master run:   (Windows) <install_path>Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbdb_unload <path>  

                                                     (Unix) /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_nload <path>

    ** Create a directory somewhere to dump the data too - insert that into 'path' in the command.

    Run findstr or grep  to see if wildisk is in any of the tables.   If that entity is in the tables, try to use nbemmcmd -deletehost (in the NetBackup\bin\admincmd directory).  

    Fields required are:

    nbemmcmd -deletehost  -machinename <string> -machinetype <api | app_cluster | client | cluster | disk_array | foreign_media | index_server | master | media | ndmp | remote_master | replication_host | virtual_machine>

    *** If you don't know the type of machine - try running nbemmcmd -listhosts to if the type of machine is listed in that output.

    Also note if there are images still assigned to that host, the deletion will fail (which I suspect since we're trying to clean it).

    If this information doesn't help, I'd suggest you open a support case and have someone help you fix the invalid references in the database.  
