Forum Discussion

Rui_Machado's avatar
17 years ago

restoring oracle to new server

hi all .

i have a valid backup of my database . if i restore it to the same server it works fine .

my server crashed .
i instaled a new server , exacly like the old one . oracle and windows .

if i use a diferent windows machine name from the old server ....restore option in veritas does not allow me to open selections .
if i use exacly the same name as the old server , veritas allows me to browse selections and i select restore of the controlfile .
i olso select redirect instance , and chose the appropriate settings . ( this all works if i use the original server as stated in the first line ) .

when i do run job i get this out put from RMAN .

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 04/18/2008 16:16:32
ORA-27191: sbtinfo2 returned error

please advise ,


1 Reply

  • add on info

    this is the check list i did in both cenarios .

    if it goes to the original server , works fine .

    if it goes to a new server , even with the same name ....the result is the message above .