Forum Discussion

kawika's avatar
17 years ago

stop dfs on other servers!

Good day, looking for help!


Im backin up a fileserver that has DFSs running, i would like to stop them during my backup, from my research i found out that throught the pre/post comands (where i put the path to my batch file) i can stop and start any services.. and in a batch file i can simple use the NET START NET STOP -following the services i wanna stop..looks pretty easy... but my problem right now is to understand how to access the this fileserver through my backup server...where do i save my batch file? on the fileserver right?..and this pre/post commands i should refer to C:/program files/bla bla bla bla.. isnt this pointing to a local C drive(pointing to the backup server c drive??)???..i want to stop the dfs on the fileserver prior to the backupserver starts backing up this fileserver... how do i do?how do i allow the backupserver to stop services on fileserver??