Forum Discussion

kpapreck's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

EV - Document to Leave with Customer

Does anyone have a document put together that they leave post-install with a customer to send them on their way?  Something with quick explanations on how to do day-to-day tasks?

2 Replies

  • Hi again.


    I'd send them to the Admin I and II training to be sure.

    If they do not want to do this, make sure they know the Administrators_guide and the Installing and Configuring guide.


    I personally think this is not an application to be managed by someone who does not understand how it works. There most likely will arise issues.


    I am not aware of such a document, but it is a good idea.




  • Yes, Admin Training I+II would be best.

    I remember a Day-to-Day Admin Section somewhere in the Admin Guide?


