Forum Discussion

Michael_Krasner's avatar
18 years ago

PST Migration Idea - Anyone do this before?

So I live in a decentralized Exchange environment, but my EV environment is centralized in our data center for easy storage maintenance. I am currently running into an issue where PSTs are taking an inordinant amount of time when migrating back to Exchange to create the folders and shortcuts.

I was wondering if anyone out there has done a migration in a decentralized to centralized model and utilized a portable or local EV server for the migration tasks. For example, I would go to one of my offices in the US and bring my super-duper laptop with EV installed running within the same site and have it migrate the PSTs from there and be writing locally to the Exchange server? The SQL info would still be in our data center, but EV would essentially be local. Is this possible? Thoughts? Ideas?


2 Replies

  • Hi,
    Unless you actually have the vault store that your data is being archived to on your laptop 'server' then EV will still be archiving the data back to your data center.
    What I don't understand is how pst migration is fast (when I presume EV is accessing the PST over the network and taking each item and bringing it locally and archiving it) but then you say it's the shortcut side of things which appears slow. Do I understand you correctly, can you explain?
  • It is my understanding that the PST's should be ingested by the EV Server Managing the users Mailbox archive. couple of questions, i already think you are talking about the Manual PST Migration wizard either launched from the Start Menu--Enterprise Vault Menu item or  you are talking about the Vault Admin Console Import Wizard. Would be curious to know which method you are indeed running.....
    What is the pipe to the Exchange Server? (From the EV Server Responsible for the Users Mailbox Archive)
    How long is long?
    How active is the Exchange server when you are importing the PST's?
    Is the PST Import Processing happening during Peak usage of the Exchange Server?

    In regards to running EV from a laptop is not advisable for production work. Oh, and its a big no, no, to be processing content by EV when the EV server isn't in the same location, just not a best practice.