Forum Discussion

Aaron_Norton's avatar
16 years ago

Schedule Journal Archive

Is it possible to set the journaling option to only archive once every 24 hours? As it is now it archives the messages as soon as they come in.




  • Aaron,


    This is by design.  If you have a requirement and the low message flow to only archive 1/day for journaling you could use the %programfiles%\enterprise vault\EVService.exe command to start\stop the task using the Windows scheduler.



2 Replies

  • Aaron,


    This is by design.  If you have a requirement and the low message flow to only archive 1/day for journaling you could use the %programfiles%\enterprise vault\EVService.exe command to start\stop the task using the Windows scheduler.



  • ok thanks, for some reason another department was asking if we could, no idea why or what the point is.