Forum Discussion

Don_Koning's avatar
Level 4
18 years ago

What to do when PST migration fails

Last weekend I scheduled a PST migration using the collector and migrator tasks. Though 80% was succesful there were a few PST's that couldn't be migrated.
I rescheduled a new migrator task, but the log doesn't show wether it retried to migratie the PST's that are still in the PSTholding folder.
What do I need to to to force a retry of the migration? Empty the PSTholding folder, and schedule a new collector an migrator task?
Errors logged were:
Job failed: PST migration of \\ITS001SRV002\F$\Userdata\COENZ\outlook\Archief 2005.pst: Unspecified error. Please check the event log.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Migrator Server
Event ID: 6696
Date:  6/16/2007
Time:  12:00:37 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: ITS001SRV018
Exchange Server mailbox access error occurred
Exchange Server:  ITS300SRV405
Exchange Privileged Mailbox:   EnterpriseVault(ITS300SRV405)
Mailbox DN:   /o=VendexKBB/ou=VendexKBB-ITS/cn=Recipients/cn=Zwarts.C
Reference: PI/SC
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 3c 30 78 38 30 30 34 30   <0x80040
0008: 31 30 39 3e               109>   
** 6/16/2007 2:01:35 AM Migration of PST \\ITS001SRV002\F$\Userdata\GRADA\outlook\outlook.pst exception: Failed to read PST Policy record for Mailbox id: Error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80005000. **
But nothing is logged in the eventvwr.

3 Replies

  • I am in the middle of a massive PST migration (5000+ files). I have found failures to occur for some of the following reasons:
    1. Receiving mailbox runs out of space (assuming you have mailbox limits in place)
    2. Receiving mailbox has its AD account disabled
    3. Our backups kick off quite early, and as the services are stopped and restarted, this stops some imports from being successful

    Im not sure if any of these points will be of use to you, but they may be worth a look.

  • I missed the fact that I need to change the status of the PST files from 'migration failed' to 'ready to migrate'.
    This weekend I'll try a second run.
  • Murphies law.... this weekend the back-up failed and therefor vault stayed in read-only mode, and thus the schedules failed.
    Better luck tonight.