Forum Discussion

Graham_McCann's avatar
16 years ago

Exchange Backup - "unable to successfully enumerate folder"

I am setting up a new NBU 6.5 server backing up (amongst other things) a couple of MS Exchange 2003 servers. Everything works nicely apart from the odd mailbox which terminates with;


1: (1) the requested operation was partially successful


Whilst I know that this is usually unimportant and means that only a few files were not backed up because they were in use, I get the following message detail;


09/10/2008 21:32:42 - Warning bpbrm (pid=14411) from client <client name>: WRN - unable to successfully enumerate folder: Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes:\<user name>\Top of Information Store\Inbox\Contracting out~1in\

I've done a bit of digging and I found out that this relates to folders and message subjects that contain  "-", "/" & "\". It seems that NBU translates these characters to "~0", "~1" & "~2" respectively. In our case this translation has occured (as shown by the above errors) but then NBU is still unable to enumerate the translated folders (meaning that we were unable to backup these folders). What can I do to resolve this issue? 

  • Hi All


    This is a known issue apparently;


    Symantec Bug ID: 1142611
    NetBackup 650  x86
    Unix Deliverables:

    Windows Deliverables:
    NOTE: the versioninfo.exe application is also being provided, but
    it is not necessary for any NetBackup functionality. It is being
    provided to allow future use by Symantec Support Engineers, if

    Please install versioninfo.exe into VERTIAS\Netbackup\bin\support.

    1) NetBackup services can remain running
    2) make a copy of the existing files that are being replaced
    3) install the files listed above into the proper destination directory
        NOTE: the newly-installed files must have the same file permissions
        and owner as the original files!
    Additional Notes:
    This binary should resolve the issue.

    Please verify file checksum(s) against list below by running 'cksum':
    1209560189 540672 x86/ubsnt.dll
    877622906 106496 x86/versioninfo.exe

    NOTE: These binaries are pre-release. As such, they are intended solely for
    the recipient and shall not be further distributed to other parties. Their
    use is subject to the terms and conditions of your Symantec VERITAS NetBackup
    license and agreement. They have not been fully tested by Symantec
    Corporation and, as such, are being provided "as is" without any guarantee
    or warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Symantec reserves the
    right to require the removal of these binaries in order to troubleshoot and/or
    resolve any subsequent issues that are reported.

3 Replies

  • Hi All


    This is a known issue apparently;


    Symantec Bug ID: 1142611
    NetBackup 650  x86
    Unix Deliverables:

    Windows Deliverables:
    NOTE: the versioninfo.exe application is also being provided, but
    it is not necessary for any NetBackup functionality. It is being
    provided to allow future use by Symantec Support Engineers, if

    Please install versioninfo.exe into VERTIAS\Netbackup\bin\support.

    1) NetBackup services can remain running
    2) make a copy of the existing files that are being replaced
    3) install the files listed above into the proper destination directory
        NOTE: the newly-installed files must have the same file permissions
        and owner as the original files!
    Additional Notes:
    This binary should resolve the issue.

    Please verify file checksum(s) against list below by running 'cksum':
    1209560189 540672 x86/ubsnt.dll
    877622906 106496 x86/versioninfo.exe

    NOTE: These binaries are pre-release. As such, they are intended solely for
    the recipient and shall not be further distributed to other parties. Their
    use is subject to the terms and conditions of your Symantec VERITAS NetBackup
    license and agreement. They have not been fully tested by Symantec
    Corporation and, as such, are being provided "as is" without any guarantee
    or warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Symantec reserves the
    right to require the removal of these binaries in order to troubleshoot and/or
    resolve any subsequent issues that are reported.

  • G'avo,
    having the same problem as the op.

    I've searched for this "Symantec Bug ID: 1142611" to no avail.

    Where can I learn more about this and the apparant fix?

    Kind regards,

  • Its parent is ET1142629.  The fix was included in NetBackup 6.5.1 (and 6.5.1A).  From that README:

    Etrack Incident = ET1143244
    Associated Primary Etrack = ET1142629
    Titan cases:  281-218-014 290-876-995

       An Exchange mailbox backup of folders that include the characters
       \ / ~ will fail to properly backup.

       There is no current work-around.

    So, if you're running 6.5 GA, you should apply 6.5.1 (or, ideally, 6.5.4) to get this fix.

    Release Update NB_6.5.1A.winnt.x86.exe provides fixes to the Veritas NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server / Server 6.5 on 32-bit Windows 2000/2003/XP Professional server and clients. It also contains fixes for NetBackup Add-on products and Database Agents.