Forum Discussion

NathanNieman's avatar
10 years ago

Log files

So I followed the write up how to move the log files.


And some are now writing to the new path but I am still running out of space.  I looked at the path of where the old log files are and I see these files still being wrtien to the old path.


Folders are 








Of course these are the folders with the biggest logs.  Losing about 2+ GB a day

I just reset all logging to 0 but wanted to see why these didn't change.


I follow this write up


Server is windows 2008 R2 SP1

Running Netbackup



Any suggestions will be great.


Thank you.

9 Replies

  • Check the output from:

    for /f "skip=1" %a in ('vxlogcfg -l') do (for /f "skip=1" %b in ('vxlogcfg -l -p %a') do (vxlogcfg -l -p %a -o %b | find /i "directory" ) )
  • You need to restart Netbackup - if you moved location on the fly. The processes that hasn't re-started since the registry change has still the old resigtry value in memory.

    The tech note also say you need to re-start:

    Once the Log Directory key is modified and NetBackup is restarted, legacy logs will be written to this location


  • That TN is for legacy logs. You need to use vxlogcfg to change unified logs.
  • Yes sorry we restarted the server yesterday once this was done.


    Ok found this.



    So it looks like we need to do this to complete the process.

  • Did the 'for' loop command show anything?

  • ^ trying to run that now but can't figure out what directory I need to be in to run it.

  • vxlogcfg is in <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\.

    So, either issue full path to vxlogcfg, update PATH variable or cd into this folder.

  • Ok found the output, moved the files, and reran the command and they all moved to the new drive.



    Thank you everyone