Forum Discussion

Flappyhead's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

NetBackup: From single master server to a clustered master server

Hi Guru's!

I would like to move our NetBackup environment from a single master server (obviously single NetBackup domain), multi-site configuration to a dual-site single domain model. When I say dual-site, we have more than 2 sites but I would like 2 master servers in a global cluster where we can fail one master server over to the other. The other small sites will remain.

Our current environment is

1 master server
7 media server
All media servers on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 (Except 1 that's still on 2K3 SP2)
4 sites
OST disk (DataDomain) that all backups go to. Monthly backups sent to tape and off sited.

1 site has most of our infrastructure at it which also hosts the master server. 1 site is our DR site which currently has 1 media server. This is where I would like to place the passive master server. The other 2 sites are small typical sites.

I cannot find any documentation to explain how to do this. I have found one forum that said that it is not supported doing this so you need to get Symantec in here to perform a specialist job. I have performed 3 full NetBackup recoveries from scratch for upgrade purposes (and 1 DR test) so I know what I am doing to a degree. I am assuming that you could create a new Dual-site/ single domain with the active master server having the same name and IP and restore the catalog to it which would then replicate the catalog to the passive master, but then I feel I might be a little niave in assuming this.

Any information, or documentation or adivce would be greatly appreciated. I thought I would try the forum before logging a call with Symantec

Thanks in advance!

-Richard Harvey

  • Hello Rechard,

    I have found one forum that said that it is not supported doing this so you need to get Symantec in here to perform a specialist job.

    That is correct. It can only be done by very few trained specialist with special assistance of Symante Partner Support. This is far complocated task comparing with catalog recovery - profound skills,  knowledege, and special tools are required. Others can not do this taks.

2 Replies

  • Hello Rechard,

    I have found one forum that said that it is not supported doing this so you need to get Symantec in here to perform a specialist job.

    That is correct. It can only be done by very few trained specialist with special assistance of Symante Partner Support. This is far complocated task comparing with catalog recovery - profound skills,  knowledege, and special tools are required. Others can not do this taks.