Forum Discussion

aitzhakov's avatar
Level 3
7 years ago

add DB snap to file list failed, status 69 and invalid filelist specification (69)

Hello Netbackup team

we have 3 node Servers with DAG Exchange 2016

Polisy type MS_exchage _Server and Enable granular recovery

2 nodes almost always  failed in Backup with error "add DB snap to file list failed, status 69 and invalid filelist specification  (69)"


ERR - C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\
0535113.1.0.VSS_Writer_File_List.txt: invalid format

no errors in vssadmin list writers   but

Writer name: 'Microsoft Exchange Writer'
   Writer Id: {76fe1ac4-15f7-4bcd-987e-8e1acb462fb7}
   Writer Instance Id: {d4abea0b-7d29-465e-918b-a22d3dfa9f81}
   State: [5] Waiting for completion
   Last error: No error


could you  advice please how to resolve the problem about backup our Exchange 2016


11 Replies

    • aitzhakov's avatar
      Level 3


      yes we have IPless DAG and clinet name =DAG name

      DAG consist with 3 members. we have rebooted problem members and got it Writer name: 'Microsoft Exchange Writer'  stable but after trying to backup getting again State: [5] Waiting for completion, for the same nodes

      acctually we being in migration mailbox process from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016

      before massive migration all backups worked good and problem started after massive migration

      every node keep 7 active databases

      • aitzhakov's avatar
        Level 3

        by the way only 2 nodes from DAG making problems with "writer"   an 1 node backup is good

  • Could you provide more info about your policy using bpplist?

    Has this backup ever ran successfully?

    Have you tried to restart the Exchange VSS writer, to set it back to a stable state and rerun the backup job?

    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6
      Also curious to see your policy config.
      Are you trying to backup each node?
      Or one policy for virtual name?
      Or IPless DAG?