Forum Discussion

rookie11's avatar
15 years ago

master to client issue

hi folks

master SUNSOLARIS 5.9
media SUNSOLARIS 5.9
client window 2003
 we are not using hosts file entries but using DNS 

issue none of the windows boxes pining with master n media server n vice versa[ip range is same]
where i or SA have to make entries ????
earlier worked in hosts file environment 

5 Replies

  • & you are no longer using /etc/hosts file entries, then is DNS set up correctly on your Solaris boxes ? (/etc/resolv.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf)

    If not pinging at all (by IP or hostname) then I think there maybe something a little more fundamental on your network?

  • master SUNSOLARIS 5.9
    media SUNSOLARIS 5.9
    client window 2003
     here is the ip add of servers please tell wat entry i should make in (/etc/resolv.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf) files
  • Can you ping the boxes through IP? if you can do you have the domains listed under resolv.conf? what is your OS checking first, files or DNS? and I think you are misslead on what resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf are for, resolv.conf is where you place  your DNS servers IP and domains, nothing related with your Netbackup Servers. Nsswitch.conf is just to tell the OS what will use first when are requests came is, has name translation nsswitch will go the host files line and based on the order of what is configured the OS will go to the /etc/hosts files or /etc/resolv.conf.

    Hope this helps.

  • none of the windows boxes pinging with master n media server n vice versa[ip range is same]

  • If you can't ping by IP you have a networking issue not a Netbackup problem. 
    Get server & network admins involved to sort it out.