Forum Discussion

Jivitesh's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

connectivity test command from client to master

Trying to find a coomand to test connectivity from netbackup client to master server other telent to ports 13782,13724.

Tried to test using bptestnetconn but unable to determine if the output is correct or not as i am getting same result when the services are either in stopped or started state.

bptestnetconn -v -c -t 10 -o 5 -P -s -H <master server>

Master server: NB version is 8.1

Client server : NB version 7.7.2

Need synatx for both windows adn linux clients

  • From what you have replied - you are looking for a way to determine if the client is ready to run NetBackup from the client. 

    You have identified that the bptestbpcd command will do this for you, but this only runs from a NBU server (master or media). I also agree it would be nice to have this command available on a standard client.

    I think what you want to do from the client is to run a remote command from the client to the master and then run the bptestbpcd command back to the client. 

    For Unix, this is relatively simply using SSH. For Windows it becomes more of a challenge, but not insurmountable. So I think what you want to do from the client is something along the lines of the follwoing psuedo code:
    # remote shell to master
    # bptestbpcd -client <client> [-verbose]
    # analyse output

5 Replies

  • Default port connection is via pbx - port 1556.
    You can run this command on the client that will attempt connection to bprd (via pbx) on the master:
    bpclntcmd -pn
    • Jivitesh's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you Marianne for the reply.

      Right bpclntcmd -pn will connect to the bprd port but it won't help us as we are looking for some command or utility on client to run a connectivity to master to bpcd and vnetd ports

      we are trying to put a netbackup client service restart script on few clients where the script will recycle services after each reboot just to make sure we are good before the backups starts.

      What is missing in the script is the connectivity test from client to master? we have a perfect command "bptestbpcd" from master to cleint which would determine if there is any issue with cleint services.

      Ran few tests, stopped netbackup services on client and did a telent form client to master and it worked. If i am correct client services in stopped will not be an issue to connect to master but it would be an isue the other way round.

      If that is the case, how can we determine the services and port are in good shape(having netbackup client services in started state) before we start the backup.

      Please note we are testing the connectivity from master, we recycle netbackup client services and need to test 

      $ suexec /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x
      NB Processes

      MM Processes

      Shared Veritas Processes
      root 7599 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:00:05 /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbx_exchange

      $ telnet nxxxxxxxxxxxx 13724
      Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
      Connected to xxxxxxxxx.
      Escape character is '^]'.
      Connection closed by foreign host.
      $ telnet xxxxxxxxxxxx 13782
      Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
      Connected to xxxxxxxxx.
      Escape character is '^]'.
      Connection closed by foreign host.
      $ telnet xxxxxxxxxxxx 1556
      Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
      Connected to xxxxxxxxx.
      Escape character is '^]'.
      Connection closed by foreign host.

      • davidmoline's avatar
        Level 6

        From what you have replied - you are looking for a way to determine if the client is ready to run NetBackup from the client. 

        You have identified that the bptestbpcd command will do this for you, but this only runs from a NBU server (master or media). I also agree it would be nice to have this command available on a standard client.

        I think what you want to do from the client is to run a remote command from the client to the master and then run the bptestbpcd command back to the client. 

        For Unix, this is relatively simply using SSH. For Windows it becomes more of a challenge, but not insurmountable. So I think what you want to do from the client is something along the lines of the follwoing psuedo code:
        # remote shell to master
        # bptestbpcd -client <client> [-verbose]
        # analyse output

  • The command is certainly the correct one to use.

    If you are getting the same output irrespective of whether NetBackup is running on the master or not, then something strange is going on (unless you mean the client services). 

    If you are trying to determine client service status instead try "bptestbpcd -verbose -client <client>" from the master.

    If you are trying to determine master server status from the client, can you share the output for each situation (master server up and down). When I try something similar on a lab system I have, the output is definitely different (much shorter when services on the master aren't running).

    • Jivitesh's avatar
      Level 3

      Thanks David for the reply. 

      Sorry if i didn't post my question properly.

      My requirement is, is there  a command to test connectivity from client to master like we have "bptestbpcd" from master to client.

      i would not touch master server, would like to check the connectivity frm client to master with client services up and client services down

      if we use bptestnetconn command , will it tell us the ports on client are open or closed because i  noticed "bptestnetconn" id giving output even the client services are down