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shashi0621's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

netbackup catalog configure using command line

Hi Mates,   1..How to configure catalog backup from Command line In 7.x verrsion and in 6.5 version  of Netbackup?   2..What is the use of bpbackupdb command when we have bpbackup command...
  • mph999's avatar
    11 years ago
    I have no idea what the difference between the commands is, I've alays just used bpbackup as it works fine. As to the commands, the man page /Java log is sufficient to find the details, but ... 1/ bppolicynew catback -M 2/ bpplinfo catback -modify -collect_bmr_info 0 -residence -pt NBU-Catalog 3/ bpplcatdrinfo catback -set -e -p -u root -pwd 4/ bpplsched catback -add Full -type FULL -synthetic 0 -pfi_fast_recovery 0 -retlevel 12 -freq 3600 -residence *NULL* -pool *NULL* -sg *NULL* -res_is_stl 0 -mpxmax 1 -ut -cal 0 -tzo -28800 I appreciate 4/ is a little tricky, though not all those options are probably needed (but it worked, so I left it ...) When I first saw your post, I didn't actually know the steps as generally I use test machines that can be reimaged in minutes and when I do configure a catalog backup it's quicker to just use the GUI. I will admit I was curious though. I looked at the commands in admincmd, just an 'ls' command to see what was there - no command for setting up a catalog backup in one hit, so I set it up first using bpadm menu - here I saw you had to set the policy type, so that gave away the clue that you had to first use bppolicynew as for any other policy, then change the type to NBU-Catalog using bpplinfo You'll have to play about with bpplsched, I just copied this from my notes so you'll have to customize it to do what you want
  • Marianne's avatar
    11 years ago

    bpbackupdb command was originally meant for cold catalog backup.
    Before NBU 6.x, only cold catalog backup could be done.

    If you look in NBU 6.5 Commands Manual, you will see that this command could be used in 6.x for cold and hot catalog backup with different command options for hot and cold backup.

    The command still exists in 7.x, but only options for hot catalog backup, similar to bpbackup -i.
    So, you now have a choice of which command you want to use for cmd start of catalog backups.

    As per my previous post - best is to issue these commands in your environment and see for yourself.