Forum Discussion

Storage_yoda's avatar
15 years ago

Drives being marked down and up - how can I find the cause?

Hi there I am currently modeling a proposed backup environment for a new project, all is greenfield so there is nothing working to base the solution on. The test environment is also very new and ...
  • Storage_yoda's avatar
    15 years ago
    As ever with these things the solution is the simplest, and again as ever - is network related.

    The problem was that the nodes running the clustered master server on site 1 had 2 NIC's enabled one on the production network, which is routed and connects between sites, the other what will become in future a backup network, currently unrouted and unable to connect between sites. both IP addresses had been assigned to the same name in DNS , so when resolved, the name would return either address. Obviously data sent to the address with no connectivity effectively get lost!

    Solution tidy up DNS (AGAIN!!) and ensure that the name resolution is correct. Once this was done, all seems to run OK!