Forum Discussion

robnicholson's avatar
13 years ago

Backup Exec 2012 enhancements

Does anyone know if any of following have been addressed/implemented by BE 2012:

  1. Advanced disk backup option can handle DFS. ADBO allows one to carry out a weekly full and then daily incremental backups. Upon restore, BE works out which of the incremental backups it needs to re-synthesise the folder
  2. Dedupe backup of Exchange GRT. BE 2010 simply dumps raw EDB & LOG files in the dedupe folder which means it isn't taking advantage of dedupe
  3. Improved dedupe backup performance, e.g. adaptive multi-threaded agent plus server side SQL performance improvements - aim to get dedupe speed closer to B2D
  4. Better backup performance for DFS
  5. Ability to restore back to DFS system directly without causing DFS replication to re-start/reset
  6. Improved dedupe resiliance or at least a tool to repair broken dedupe systems
  7. Mirroring of backup system to a passive remote site
  8. Multiple deduplication storage areas on single media server (although it #4 is done, less of a requirement)
  9. Much improved error messages and diagnostics? For example, no cryptic mention of the world of tapes on a pure disk based backup system

This is the start of our project to review our backup methodology.

Thanks, Rob.