Forum Discussion

paolo_francolin's avatar
11 years ago

Chinese named server detected

Hi again,

after upgrading from BE2012 to 2014 i noticed 2 server with chinese characters in the server's list, no way to find what they were, so i decided to remove them from the list. Both Linux machines.

Now after some like a month those servers are back, 6 servers with chinese name, 4 linux and 2 windows. I've been checking properties and so on to be able to get what BE2014 recognize, but no luck. Im quite sure those servers are "real" and for some reason the appliance simply can't grab the true name or ip.

I've been able to delete 4 of them, two remaining linux servers are undeletable.

Been trying to test credentials against to be able to understand what it is, nothing happened.....

Any idea?

Below there's a snapshot of the servers

  • Hi Craig,

    yup, totally. Works like a charm. I can't delete those too, The server was unable to complete the requested operation.

  • Oh here it is, glad to see i'm not the only one, that's exactly my problem.

    Thx so much Gurvinder, for a bit looked like someone putted "something" in my network that has been detected by the discovery service, not a good feeling :-)