Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • Generally the best way to do Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape is to use Policies.  There is a default policy (Default Backup Sets 00001) under the Job Setup tab that will get you started on the right track.  You'll likely want to make a copy of the default policy and then modify it to suit your needs.

    More details on duplicate jobs can be found in the BackupExec 2010 Admin Guide, which can be found here:

  • Create a policy with a backup template and a duplicate template.

    Backup template for backing up to NAS. Create a B2D folder on the share and specify it under devices in the backup template.

    Duplicate template for duplicating the data which already backedup to NAS B2D. Schedule the job.

    And create a rule as Duplicate all backup sets that were create by Backup template by using Duplicate template as scheduled. 

    Or else you can create a rule such that After Backup completes, start Duplicate to duplicate backup sets.

    Refer &



  • Hi CASW Tech,

    Any news here?

    If your issue got resolved, can you please close the discussion by marking solution?


  • Have not had a chance to test it as of yet. Still working on configuring everything.