Backup Exec 2012 backup very slow (catalog problem?)
We've been having some problems with the speed of our backup. The setup is the following:
physical BE2012 server coonected to disk storage via fibre and connected to VmWare enviroment via Fibre as well. When backup up our file and print server to DeDupe location on our disk storage it takes a very long time (+19hr) for 900GB of data. It seems to hang on updating catalog.
History: Everything working fine and backupjob of all servers (1.4TB) runnning at speeds of between 4000MB/min to 6000MB/min. Then from one day to the other (no windows or BE updates done) the speed slowed down to between 600MB/min and 900MB/min.
Things allready tried: delete and recreate the backup job. update to SP1a. Thick all the boxes under the catalog tab and set to trucate after 4 weeks. run database maintenance at a time when no backup jobs are running. split up the job into different jobs (this alleviated the problem a bit)
After splitting the job up so that the exchange server, the SQL server and the file and print server had different jobs I noticed that the exchange and SQL were backing up at normal speeds (+4000MB/min) but the file and print server was still taking 18Hrs to backup. a bit more digging and a couple of days later I noticed that the data of file and print was backing up at speeds of +4000MB/min itself but it was hanging (going verrry slow) on updating the catalog at the end of the job while the size stayed unchanged.
My counterpart in our other location the other side of Australia is having the same problem for the exact same setup. (his problem started about 2 weeks before mine) He has been testing with going from full daily backups to incremental but the same problem stays.
We do not have a bottleneck problem with our disks, speed of our servers or any other hardware but it seems to come backup to the updating of the catalog for the file and print server. (my counterpart has also tried to uninstall and reinstall BE2012 but no sollution there either)
Does anyone have an idea how to clean, compact or do anything else with the catalog to get it back to normal speed? (catalog folder is currently 9GB with 16GB available)
Thanks in advance
We finaly have a temporary solution from Symantec.
It seems that there is a problem with a dll (pdvfsprotocol.dll) they installed a new dll and now the speed is to an acceptable 3.5GB/min backup to de-dupe (still not the 6GB/min I used to have but a lot better) They said they are still finalising the dll for general public and I'm not allowed to install any Symantec updates untill they bring out the final update and contact me again.
So for anyone out there with this issue I would advise to create a ticket with Symantec and let it roll from there.
Lets hope the final fix takes it back to original speeds and it won't take to long to get it.
Hope the rest of you get there as well.