Forum Discussion

jfkana's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Backup Exec 2012 Tape drive Issues

Hi folks, we're using BUE2012 in our production and test environments, in our test environment, we keep running into the same issue again, and again, and again. We never had this problem previously and cannot determine what the cause is!

We have BUE2012 running with an IBM LTO4 Tape drive, an Ultrium -TD4. We are using the Symantec drivers and the drive is up to date on firmware.

We CANNOT for love, nor money, perform a successful catalog operation on a tape. for example:

Following a TN and other advice on this website, we removed the Catalogs folder and using 2 of our full backup tapes, we tried to inventory and catalog the tapes to preform a test restore. The tapes wouldn't catalog. At some point during the operation the Drive would be marked as offline. If you onlined it, it'd offline itself again. rinse Repeat.

This machine is used for nothing else, BUE is the only program that would be commanding the drive. Initially it happened when you tried ANYTHING tape related. We then discovered the Symantec drivers were not being used - installed those, removed the old catalogs incase they were corrupt and got 2 fresh full backup tapes to catalog and try a restore. No luck.

One tape finished that contained ~500GB of data but the full tape stopped after 1300GB/1600GB - a frustrating waste of 3 hours!



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