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Aladyreg's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Backup Exec 2014 - Restore data from tape

I am trying to find a way, how to extract data from restored Shadow Copy Components tape in Backup Exec 2014.

I have daily about 10 tasks appliance_dedupe and one task storages it all to tape every day. I have setup one month task to create month tapes in case of any. I am trying to restore all data from tape to disk. I have read that I have to restore Shadow Copy Components to disk at first. I done, it is on the disk, but I want to ,,restore,, from it data - now there are a lot of files with .bin suffixes.

Data on disk are only 1 month so if I need restore any file from year back, I got only shadow copy components.

I have fetched whole manual and a lot of forums, but did not found any help.

Thank you for your help, Robert

  • A duplicate job is a stage you add to a standard job  definition so that it can be regularly scheduled (or run directly after the initial job.) Edit your backup job definition to understand where to add a stage.

    ALso I think if you open up your storage details and look at the backup sets you might be able to select a backup set and duplicate it from there as well (as a one off duplicate)

18 Replies

  • Be honest, I am afraid to restore it directly to DeDupe folder.

    We are able to setup to BE server, where is the DeDupe folder... Is not possible to set 2 dedupe files and switch between them? For example one primary for daily backups and secondary for restores? 

  • i have an issue symantec Backup exec server it just keep failing

    this is the error below from the server

    Job started     : Thursday, October 08, 2015 9:49:38 AM
    Job ended       : Thursday, October 08, 2015 9:49:43 AM
    Final error: 0xe0008113 - Physical Volume Library Robot not found.
    Final error category: Backup Device Errors
    Completed status: Failed

    kindly help, and all the backup setting it not working right, some times it backup and some times it failed and it eject tape on some server backup

  • Yes, it has to be restored directly to a DeDupe folder. The only way you can restore to another DeDupe folder is if you can setup another BE server.

  • Yes it sounds like my problem. I backed up DeDupe Storage via Shadow Copy Components to tape.

    So I should restore it directly to DeDupe Storage where are daily backups?

  • How do you know that this file is in the shadow copy? Did you restore the shadow copy from the right volume? Also, some files in the shadow copy is kept in some kind of "containers". This is the Microsoft way to storing the file in the shadow copy
  • Sounds like you backed up the DeDupe Storage via the Shadow Copy Components to tape.

    If that's the case, when you run the restore, you have to target the restore to the DeDupe Storage. It cannot be restored to a regular disk storage.

  • There are many examples - question was in general. In Shadow Backup Copy there are backuped about 10 servers and the size is 1,32TB. If you want an example, I want to restore file named Mapping, which was in server ABCD and stored 1 year back. I have restored Shadow Backup Copy to local disk from tape and I want to extract that file. How to do it?

  • Give some examples of the files that you want to restore