Forum Discussion

deeroad's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Backup Exec 2014 agent install / c:\windows\installer

Using Backup Exec 2012 agents. Upgraded main server to 2014 version with latest hotfixes. Copied from "\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents" -directory all contents to network share. Copied that contents to server A1 to the local directory C:\Install.

Local install at server A1 fails. Started "RAWSX64\Setup.exe". Everything goes smoothly, until it fails and this shows at log:

07-18-2014,10:28:18 : Action 10:28:18: InstallFiles. Copying new files

 + 07-18-2014,10:28:18 : FATAL ERROR: Error 1316.A network error occurred while
attempting to read from the file C:\Windows\Installer\Symantec Backup Exec
Remote Agent for Windows Systems.msi

07-18-2014,10:49:07 : Action ended 10:49:07: InstallExecute. Return value 3.

For testing purposes, I copied "Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems.msi" file to c:\Windows\installer -directory. What happens now?

 + 07-18-2014,11:34:45 : FATAL ERROR: Error 1311.Source file not found:
C:\Windows\Installer\ Verify that the file exists and that you can
access it.

 + 07-18-2014,11:49:30 : User: Are you sure you want to cancel?

07-18-2014,11:49:30 : Threw Exception: The value of argument 'buttons' (260) is
invalid for Enum type 'MessageBoxButtons'. Parameter name: buttons

07-18-2014,11:49:30 : Action ended 11:49:30: InstallExecute. Return value 3.

So, it is missing another file. I don't think user should have to copy all files manually to C:\windows\installer -directory. There is something wrong here. Not sure how to proceed, and need to upgrade all clients. Push-install from server didn't work.

Tried to uninstall old agent from Control Panel. It worked successfully.

Install 2014 agent locally again. Now it worked!

Do I have to uninstall all clients manually and duplicate this procedure?

  • Uninstalling using wmic was not enough and it did leave programs + registry broken. I had this kind of situation:

    Backup Exec 2014 agent did not install and finished with rollback

    Backup Exec 2012 agent did not install : it detected earlier agent (probably 2010)

    Solution was to use Microsoft Fixit and select manual, install-problems and choose Symantec Backup Exec from detected programs. It fixed something? and then, finally, 2014 agent could install.


  • I uninstalled old agent and rebooted server, then remote install worked with one server. But another, similar server failed. It's log:

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Copied file: 'C:\Program
    Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\VirtFile\VirtFile.sys' ->

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Installing INF file
    of Type 5.

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: installing class filter

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: ERROR: The driver installation failed. Attempting
    to undo system changes ... (Error code 0x65B: Function failed during execution.)

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Driver store reference information does not
    exist for service 'VirtFile'. So, no undo for this service.

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Unable to revert to a previous driver store
    for service 'VirtFile'.

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Will attempt to uninstall the driver.

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: ERROR: Error unable to open service 'VirtFile' to
    delete it because of error 0x424

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Successfully removed
    '{24B4B1C2-B6AD-4690-8455-DB29A706DCE1}' from reference list of driver store
    entry ''

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: Driver Store entry '' removed.

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageInstallW (0x65B)

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: ERROR: encountered while installing driver
    package 'C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\VirtFile\VirtFile.inf'

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: ERROR: InstallDriverPackages failed with error

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : DIFXAPP: RETURN: InstallDriverPackages() 1627 (0x65B)

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : CustomAction MsiInstallDrivers returned actual error code
    1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : Action ended 12:24:27: InstallExecute. Return value 3.

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : Action 12:24:27: Rollback. Rolling back action:

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : MsiInstallDrivers

    07-21-2014,12:24:27 : MsiRollbackInstall

    I found out link but it's no help, because there is nothing in those registry keys, they were already empty.


  • Devised a hack solution which seems to work. Log in to buggy server and do this:

    netdom resetpwd /server:domaincontrollerhostname /userD:* /passwordD:*

    and then reboot.


    Use this script from Backup Exec server:

    C:\scripts>type final.cmd
    rem Give one parameter for remote server name
    rem example: "final.cmd vm1"

    c:\psexec.exe \\%1 netsh advfirewall set domainprofile settings remotemanagement enable

    c:\psexec.exe \\%1 -s net stop "Backup Exec Error Recording Service"

    c:\psexec.exe \\%1 -s net stop "Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows"

    wmic /node:"%1" product where name="Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows" call uninstall

    shutdown /m \\%1 /r


  • Uninstalling using wmic was not enough and it did leave programs + registry broken. I had this kind of situation:

    Backup Exec 2014 agent did not install and finished with rollback

    Backup Exec 2012 agent did not install : it detected earlier agent (probably 2010)

    Solution was to use Microsoft Fixit and select manual, install-problems and choose Symantec Backup Exec from detected programs. It fixed something? and then, finally, 2014 agent could install.