Forum Discussion

Arvind29's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

BAckup Exec Agents


I got Backup Exec running on one of my servers and am looking for a centralised solution for my other servers. Basically I want to have Backup exec Agents installed (or any other solution) doing backup on all my servers and then reporting to a central server. I will also need to run that on a Virtual server running on VMware. How is that possible, and what are the licencing issues? Do I have to buy for an agent for each server, and if so which version?


Many Thanks,


  • To backup any windows server you need a Remote Agent for Windows (RAWS) license.

    To backup any application like Exchange, SQL or Sharepoint you need the related license. 

    For eg to backup Exchange you will need a Remote agent for Exchange license per exchange server.

    So you need to install Core product(Media server) on a server and Remote Agents on remote servers.

    Remote agents will publish data to the media server and from there you can configure backups.

    The destination device (Tape or Disk) has to be connected to the media server only.

    There are 2 ways to backup VM's, 1) Install Agent for VMware per host server which will allow you to

    take backup of all Guest machines hosted by the Host machine. Here you can install RAWS on each 

    machine for GRT backup and restore (RAWS license not required when AVVI is installed)

    2) Install Remote Agent on the VM so that it appears as Physical machine to BE

  • You would need Be remote agent license per server basis (RAWS)

    You would need applications specific license on servers, which are running SQL, Exch, sharepoint etc

    If you have Vmware ESX server, can purchase an AVVI license per ESX box (no need to buy RAWS on

    for all vrtual machine in that case)

    Should be on same version as your current Backup exec media server.

  • The information that you have provided is not sufficient for us to provide any meaning suggestions on how to set up BE in your environment.  You could have one media server or multiple media servers reporting to CAS server.  It all depends on how complex your environment is.  It would be better for you to contact either Symantec or a reseller and get them to have a physical inspection of your environment.  Then they would be in a better position to advice you.

    However, regardless of how many media servers you plan to have, it is recommended that you use physical machine(s) for them and not VM.  You would have problems accessing physical devices like tape drives from a VM with BE.