Forum Discussion

adeelarifbhatti's avatar
10 years ago

Backup exec agent


I upgrade my appliance to 3600.R3 and it was upgraded successfully. I further installed via live update SP1 and hotfix-225092. Now when I upgraded the agent on virtual machine it was upgraded and it changed its colour to blue, but it still has the arrow over it showing that it has some update, version numbr of agent is 14.1.1786.1068. The problem is when it runs the backup job it stay stuck on "Discoverying resources". I have tried taking its backup as physical server and via V-center, in both the cases it had the same problem.


Could you tell me what is wrong ?




  • ...try removing the agent and reinstalling it.

    Otherwise, consider a manual installation of the RAWS agent.


  • I un-installed the agent, removed the server from backup exec and then added it again into backup exec, which I guess push the new agent again and this solved the problem !


  • ...have you restarted the remote server at all? If not, do so and try again.


  • Hi,

    offcourse I did it, more than 3 times. And also tried to update the agent again due to the error shown but error doesn't go away !





  • ...try removing the agent and reinstalling it.

    Otherwise, consider a manual installation of the RAWS agent.


  • Hi,

     Where could I get the installation file for agent for 3600R3 ? I have agent's for 3600R2. Did you mean install the old agent and then again upgrade it ?



  • I un-installed the agent, removed the server from backup exec and then added it again into backup exec, which I guess push the new agent again and this solved the problem !