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DavideD's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Backup Exec Linux Agent - change port Agent for single server

Dear All,

I have Backup Exec 2012 running on Windows Server 2008 R2, this server is backuping about 30 servers, nearly all are Windows servers (2003 2008 2012) and 2 of them are Linux Servers.

One Linux server is running on the standard port and this is ok, the other one can't use the port 10000 because i already have this port used by one other service and this can not be changed.

I've already switched the port of the linux agent to port 12000  (, but when i browse the server on the BackupExec console i get an error.  

I suspect that it is necessary to change from port 10000 to port 12000 for all 30 servers that I'm backuping (obviously not possible), but I have not found this information written officially anywhere. is this correct or not? It is possible to change the port for only a single agent? there is something that I have to change on the backupexec console for this single linux server?

Thanks for your advices,


5 Replies

  • Can you telnet from the media server to the Linux machine using port 12000 and vice-versa?

    I believe for the newer versions of BE there is no need to change the ports for all remote servers.  You only need to change the one that you want.

  • thanks for the quick response, i can telnet from the media server to the linux machine, but not from linux to mediaserver ... i have no firewall between this machines, should i do something on the backupexec console to make it listen on the 12000? 

  • In theory you can get one remote system to use a different NDMP port from all the others as long as you configure agent publishing (wil will try and find the information on how to do this with RALUS)

    Comms would be as follows:

    Media server listens on Port 6101 (default)

    Linux server listens on 12000 (because you configured it for this)

    The RALUS process on the Linux server uses a random outbound port to advertise to the media server on 6101, this advertisement tells the media server that this specific remote system is using Port 12000

    During a backup the media server will then use a random outbound port to connect to 12000 for the NDMP control connection and then choose a data connection port from a range with the RALUS process will then be told to listen on so that the media server can make the  NDMP data connection (again random oubound port on media server to the one chosen from the range on the linux end)

    From the description you should be able to tell that the RALUS process never tries to connect to Port 10000 (or 12000) on the media server.


    BTW if publishing cannot be used in your environment then you would have to switch all media servers and remote agents to the same NDMP port instead.


    EDIT: Info on setting up RALUS publishing here:




  • Dear Colin,

    Thank you for your answer.

    The port 12000 is open on the linux machine (telnet from the mediaserver to the linux machine is ok)
    The port 6101 is open on the mediaserver (telnet from the linux machine to the mediaserver is ok)

    But for some reasons the Linux Agent seem to not use the port 6101 at all. I have used a tcpdump command on the linux machine to track if something use the 6101 (on both sides) but when irestart the backup exec services nothing goes through that port, so the mediaserver use the 10000 instead of 12000.

    Then i have tried to set a NAT rules on the linux machine changing the incoming port to the 12000 and in this way it works like a charm. However this is a very rough solution.

    In reference at this article: ​i can't find the file agent.init  and i suspect that this coult be the very issue. I only have the file VRTSralus.init.

    For the deployment of the agent i've used the file RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-1798.17.tar.gz that i've found in the LinuxUnixMac folder inside the BackupExec CD, it is correct?

    Thanks again,


  • I believe that is the right installer package, I have always used VRTSralus.init to stop and start the beremote process/daemon

    Have you followed the how to doc I posted for configuring publishing and made edits to the RALUS.cfg as per


    If this is not configuired then you will not see the beremote process on the Linux box even attempt to talk to the media server. Also be aware 6101 is not used by the NDMP protcol is is just the publishing part of the agent information that uses it.