Forum Discussion

Jim_Clausen's avatar
18 years ago

Backup to Folder

I have a problem with Backup to Folder in Windows 2000 SBS. I have the BE 8.6 the new build and a 160 Gig USB external hard drive. Every time I run a backup to folder it backs up about 4 Gig and then the folder goes offr line. It is an unatendeded backup late at night so all I see is the fail report. I have formated the the drive and deleated and and remade the backup folder about 10 times but still get folder offline error. Ir also say on the error report that the backup drive is full. The drive is 160 Gig and the backup data is only about 45 Gig. But it seems to fail all the time. I have tried with and without OFO does not make a difference.
Please help

9 Replies

  • What do you mean by recreate media? Make a new Media set under the media tab? It is a external hard drive. I have reformated the USB drive several times and tried Fat32 and NTFS. same problems.
  • Did you create a standard B2D folder or a B2D on removealbe media?

    How much space is available if you look at the drive with windows Explorer?

    What is the OPP of the media set that you are writing to the USB Drive?
  • The device Config wizard will give you two options for Backup2Disk. Standard and on Removable Media - USB drives count as removeable

    OPP Overwrite Protection Period
  • Here is the BEDIAG dump.

    08/07/06 07:46:17 Adamm Log Started! ("DIGICOMPD", 1000, {FFFC2017-7777-44BB-9F67-1C01AA22AB03})

    Adamm Info: Version 8.60, Build 3878

    OS Info: Windows NT 5.0, Build 2195, Service Pack 4

    ODBC Driver Info: odbcjt32.dll, 04.00.6200
    ODBC Connection: "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\pvl.mdb"

    Shared Storage Authorization: Yes
    ADSM Authorization: Yes
    Library Expansion Options: Unlimited
    Evaluation Days Remaining: 60

    08/07/06 07:46:17 Device Registry:

    Scsi Address
    Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
    ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0000:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)

    ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0001:0000:0000:0000 "atapi", (Port Driver)

    ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0002:0000:0000:0000 "mraid2k", (Port Driver)

    ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0003:0000:0000:0000 "symmpi", (Port Driver)

    0003:0000:0006:0000 "SONY SDT-10000 01u4", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"

    ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    08/07/06 07:46:18 Device Discovery:

    Scsi Address
    Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun Attributes
    ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0003:0000:0006:0000 Device Name "\\.\Tape0"
    Primary Inquiry "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 01u4"
    Secondary Inquiry "SONY SDT-10000 01u4"
    Serial Number "DELL PV-100T-DDS4 0004421506"
    Device Flags SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
    Device State 3, Online

    Drive IDs 16777217, {222B73CD-696D-47A7-A36B-758E8D4F04DB}
    Drive Name "DELL 1"
    Drive Type 167780353, "4MM 8K (32K,10,0,E)"
    Drive Features 0x00001000
    Drive Element 0, 0

    ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    08/07/06 19:19:07 PvlChanger::MapErrorCode()
    Job ID = 0, Job Name = ""
    Changer = 33554433 "Backup Folder 1"

    08/07/06 19:19:08 PvlChanger::UpdateOnlineState()
    Changer = 33554433 "Backup Folder 1"
    ERROR = The device is offline!

    08/07/06 19:19:06 PvlSession::Dismount( 0, 1 )
    Job ID = 1276960016, Job Name = "Backup 0001"
    Changer = {082B9888-B1B9-4BC3-97BF-867402A5211D} "Backup Folder 1"
    Drive = {9CD7D441-E030-44B4-B8DE-587EBFFD68E5} "Backup Folder 1:1"
    Slot = 0
    Media = {59E667EB-AD50-42B5-85B3-7D6C3C2535E5} "B2D000002"

    08/07/06 19:19:08 PvlMoverSession::Release()
    Job ID = 1276960016, Job Name = "Backup 0001"
    Drive = {9CD7D441-E030-44B4-B8DE-587EBFFD68E5} "Backup Folder 1:1"
    Media = {59E667EB-AD50-42B5-85B3-7D6C3C2535E5} "B2D000002"
    Error: The session has been prematurely released!

    08/07/06 19:19:12 PvlSession::Dismount( 0, 1 )
    Job ID = 1276960016, Job Name = "Backup 0001"
    Changer = {082B9888-B1B9-4BC3-97BF-867402A5211D} "Backup Folder 1"
    Drive = {9CD7D441-E030-44B4-B8DE-587EBFFD68E5} "Backup Folder 1:1"
    Slot = 0
    Media = {59E667EB-AD50-42B5-85B3-7D6C3C2535E5} "B2D000002"

    ******** END adamm.log file ********
  • Ken the protection level is none. No protection so it can overwrite as needed.
    I still do not see any option to select standard or removable in the wizard. The drive shows up with the tape drive so I asume it is removable.
    The folder does show up in the device tab and shows to be Backup Folder 1 and the folder is on the USB drive as Backup Folder 1.
  • I did not get the error about the folder being off line last night, but I did get the error

    "Storage device "Backup Folder 1:1" reported an error on a request to write data to media.

    Error reported:
    There is not enough space on the disk.

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
  • Hi Jim,

    I had the same problem with my Buffalo USB drive. I resolved the problem by formatting the drive with NTFS, deleting, and recreating the backup folder. Let me know if that works for you