BackupExec appliance 3600 R4 enable RDP fails
Hello all
We try to enable the RDP session for a backupexec appliance 3600R4 and we have an error on the conection.
The steps that we are following are:
On a power shell (version 4), installed on a windows server 2012:
1. enable-psremoting
2. set-item wsman:\\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value "*" –force
3. enter-pssession -computername -credential mx-lrs1-b002\administrator -configurationname appliance
4. enable-remotedesktop
But when we put the last command, we receive this error:
Can you help us with this?
Thanks in advance...
You will need to apply this Microsoft hotfix:
and then reboot your appliance. RDP should then work as usual.
I'd also recommend checking out this info: - How to use the Backup Exec Appliance “Exchange” program
as all BE R2/R3/R4 3600 appliances are now out of support and pose a risk to your backup strategy should one completely fail (eg hardware failure).