BackupExec in Symantec Veritas Cluster installation
Hi All
Hope that someone can help me I am working in big airports with Symantec Veritas Cluster installations.
I have before used Acronis for backup but found out that it cannot work in a cluster enviroment (where I have
One running server and one standby server in Veritas Cluster)
Symantec has pointed me in direction of Symantec BackupExec 2012 and it looks good BUT !!!
Tha admin guide only describes BackupExec in MS Custer dose that mean that it can only work
in an MS Cluster enviroment ?
I have tryed to install a storage on my SAN on one of my BackupExec Servers but it reports that it
is a local disk ! Can I work arround that ?
Are the backup that BackupExec 2012 dose of C-Drive an image backup and can be used as a normal recovery backup ?
Like BackupExec System Recovery did ?
Hope someone can help me getting the product to work or have a surgestion ablut what to use for back. !
I need a product that in case of a failure in my server room A everything will keep running in server room B
Meaning that my backups will be available in server room B and backup/restore is possible form ether room.
Hi Kim,
Looks like Symantec support is wrong in this regard. Check the EOL items listed below, where Symantec Veritas Cluster is listed:
If you get it installed, it still won't work. It therefore looks like you might have to investigate Netbackup, in which case head on over to those forums. I suspect that because VCS is enterprise-class software, that NBU is going to support it.
BE 2010 R3 appears to have been the last version of BE to support VCS.