Forum Discussion

JuergenB's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

bengine.exe keeps crashing once a week


i had BE 2014 SP1 running fine for some month, now i had to update to SP2 for some problems mit Tape usage.

But in the last weeks, since installation of SP2 the bengine keeps crashing about every week.

I have Windows 2012 R2 Update 1 Std, All Updates, English Language

I have BE 2014 SP2 (14.1.1786.1093) and i just keeps crashing during normal backup jobs (Backup, Catalog, Duplicate).

Today the engine crashed during a backup of a Hyper-V SQL Server (Windows 2012 R2, SQL 2012) during increment backup.
Last week it crashed during a catalog job of a Hyper-V SQL Server (GRT) job.

Where can i start debugging?

Symantec is helpless because, the event log show´s no useful information .

  A process crash has been detected.
  Faulting application: bengine.exe 14.1.1786.1093
  Faulting module: ??? ???

I had a case open, but support wasn´t able to find some hints, so they closed the case.

Any help is appreciated.



PS. I will install first the Hotfix 227745

8 Replies

  • ...have you tried to reinstall SP2? Have you tried a repair of the BE installation?


  • Hi,

    case nr. was 08271320.

    But symantec skewed the problem.

    Instead of working on the app crash of the engine, they changed the topic to

    "Issue: Catalogs - Hyper V machines - Event iD: 3 -filter manager failed to attach to volume '\Device\Harddisk\"

    The engine was crashing during a catalog, but it was crashing during normal inc. backup similarly.

    I installed the new hotfix at the weekend and i will report back if this fixed something.



  • Hi

    i had the case nr. 08271320

    Symantec skewed the case a bit.

    they couldn´t work on the crash, because no faulty module was shown in event log.
    so they worked on

    Issue: Catalogs - Hyper V machines - Event iD: 3 -filter manager failed to attach to volume '\Device\Harddisk\ 

    i installed the last hotfix and will have an eye on the problem.



  • Thanks for the case number. I'll have the case reopened for further & proper investigation of this issue.

  • Thanks VJware,

    I have installed the last hotfix but no success.

    A process crash has been detected.

    Faulting application: bengine.exe 14.1.1786.1103
    Faulting module: BEImage.dll 14.1.1786.1093
    Fault offset 0xa6131
    Exception code 0xc0000005.

    And symantec only "tries" to call me.

    So , how can i debug fix the at my own ...

  • Crash dump analysis requires access to public & private symbols, source code etc & hence, the suggestion to log a case. Let me have a look @ the engineer availability for your case. Would you be currently available to work on your case ?

    P.S. the faulting module seems to indicate an issue with the cataloging. Is "Delayed cataloging" enabled ?