Forum Discussion

kha's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

BEXEC 2010 and Quantum SuperLoader3 inventory problem

I am having problem inventory the tape on my BEXEC.  From devices tab, it shows all 16 slots.  

Slot 16 has cleaning tape.  I used to have 5 tapes in the SuperLoader before and it works fine.  Until I filled up the slots and all my duplicate jobs (to tape) stop working.  All the other 15 slots shows the tapes fine from Devices tab of BEXEC GUI.  

However, when I selected a slot and choose "inventory", the inventory job looks like it hung and never finished.  As monitoring the inventory job "running", I see it keeps showing the "in use" at the QUANTUM 1, but no tape/device shows for the "in use", it just shows for 1 second then disappears, then shows up again "in use" with no tape shows, doing that forever ...

I tried to ...

Shut down the superloader

Shut down the backup server

Turned on superloader and let it finished loading 'till "system ready"

Turned on the backup server

Same problem happens.



Any idea, please help frown

  • Just to summarize what had happened here is that you had filled all the slots in the library. But there was another tape stuck in the Tape drive.

    Durin Inventory every tape is moved from slots to the tape drive and back to the same slot. In this case as the tape drive already had a tape stuck in there, so other tape could not be moved. And there was no empty slot for the tape to be moved from Tape drive to the slot.

    When you removed the tape from slot 1 and ran the Inventory, it moved the tape which was stuck up in the tape drive to that slot 1. So now slot 1 is Filled and tape drive is empty so that other tapes and go in and go out of the tape drive.

    So instead of 17 you should be using only 16 tapes in the library at a time.

    Hope this clears your doubt.....!!!




8 Replies

  • From the screenshots and your explanatin it seem that there is one tape stuck up in the drive.

    Stop all Backup Exec services (or run Unlock job) and then open the door of the Autoloader.

    Remove any one tape from any one slot and close the door of Autoloader.

    Now start BE serivces if you had stopped it and then run the Inventory.

    Do let us know if these steps helps to resolve the issue.




  • Check for any errors in auto loaders event log. If your auto loader is having any problem in moving tapes from the slots to drive, open a request with quantum and get it replaced.

    Also if you are not using 2008 OS, make sure that RSM service is stopped and disabled.


  • Hi Sush... 

    I followed your instruction, removed tape from slot 1 after stopping all the BE services.  I finally could do the BE inventory on one slot successfully yes.  I am doing the inventory for all slots now and it's making progress heart

    We filled up all 16 slots, is that a problem? Do we need to leave one empty slot so the tapes can shuffle? 

    You mentioned about "run unlock job", I am not familiar with "unlock job", is it on BE? If so, can you explain how I can run it (i.e. command line, etc.)?

    Thank you very much for your instruction.


    Hi Kiran,

    I've tried to look for the error log and other log on the SuperLoader itself (the front panel) and it said "no entries".  I wonder why there is no log at all.  Any configuration that I missed?  The BE is on Windows 2008.

    Thanks for your help!



  • My inventory for all slots went successfully.  However, I expect to see slot 1 empty since I took tape 000028L3 out as I said on my previous comment.  But now it shows slot 1 is not empty and instead of showing tape 000028L3 on slot 1, it shows tape 000021L3, which was not shown on the list before (see my original screenshot).  

    Did i have more than 16 tapes put in before?

    I just verified on the front panel of SuperLoader, it says slot 1 has 000021L3.  But I tried to eject that tape out to make sure it is actually tape 000021L3 (not system error) from the front panel and it says the system is locked.  Don't know why it's locked and how to unlock it.

    As far as I can tell, what shows on BE Devices tab for slot 1 is the same with what it shows on SuperLoader front panel.

    Please help.  indecision

  • If you removed a tape and put in 16, you'll have a new tape in slot 1.

    BE by default locks the library/autoloader. Go into BE --> Devices...right-click your device, and choose unlock.

    You'll then be able to access the device.

  • Craig,

    Thanks, Craig for your response. laugh

    Initially it showed 16 slots filled up with tapes (including the cleaning tape) - see my first post with 1st screenshot.  Then I took out the 28L3 tape from slot 1, and did not put any more tape in, even the 28L3 tape, i am still having it out on my desk here.  That's why I expect to see slot 1 empty, but it now shows slot 1 has 21L3 tape (never seen this on the list before - and I did not put it in when i took 28L3 out, neither after that)

    I were able to unlock the the autoloader with BE, and able to ejected the tape from slot 1, ran the inventory, and now slot 1 really shows empty.

    I wonder if I loaded 17 tapes in the autoloader before and it got stuck? That's why tape 21L3 did not show up before, and after taking 28L3 out from slot 1, the 21L3 then able to got into a slot - not stuck anymore?  It seems to me like the root cause was the autoloader was overloaded with more than it can take - which is 16 tapes.  Am I right? frown

  • Just to summarize what had happened here is that you had filled all the slots in the library. But there was another tape stuck in the Tape drive.

    Durin Inventory every tape is moved from slots to the tape drive and back to the same slot. In this case as the tape drive already had a tape stuck in there, so other tape could not be moved. And there was no empty slot for the tape to be moved from Tape drive to the slot.

    When you removed the tape from slot 1 and ran the Inventory, it moved the tape which was stuck up in the tape drive to that slot 1. So now slot 1 is Filled and tape drive is empty so that other tapes and go in and go out of the tape drive.

    So instead of 17 you should be using only 16 tapes in the library at a time.

    Hope this clears your doubt.....!!!




  • Perfect! Thanks, Sush... that cleared my doubt yes Thank you very much for your help.