Forum Discussion

glenn_w's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

BExec error - Communication down with BE services"

 Hi There

I was in with a client the other day and noticed, when setting up a new user on the server, that the last sucessful backup was in January. They were coming in and changing the tapes without checking to see if the backup was sucessful or not.

I tried to perform an update and the following day I looking at the console and saw that it was "Loading Media" however it had also ejected the tape. So it would never backupatthat rate.

I tried to update Backup Exec and during the downloads Symantec came up with the following error:

"Communications are down with Backup Exec Services. Check to see if Backup Exec Services are running on OLS-SRV1"

I checked Services and all the Backup services seem to be just fine. Would anyone have any idea what is going on?

It is SBS 2003 by the way

  •  Hi Glenn,
    Which version of backup exec it is ?

    above is the link to admin guide for backup exec 12 (Will be helpful)

    Also, is SBS 2003 Box the Media server ( I assume - YES)

    I would suggest the following :

    1) remove and install the latest agents.

    2) make sure that BE is running under the correct user context

    3) Backup Exec and agents run as services so make sure they have the correct account with access to the resource.

    Close Backup Exec, and then re-open it ; then do a update (makin sure no job is in action at that time) - also if its just a SBS 2003 Box you have to backup and they have the media for BE ; you can do a clean install to start fresh, won't take much time - however you  may have to restart the server and configure the tape drive ;

    You would also have to restart the SBS Box after BE Updates.

    First check to make sure the account configured for Backup Exec is valid and has not expired or locked out ; sometimes a password change makes this happen as well


4 Replies

  • When updating BE using Liveupdate, it will on occasion shutdown the BE services to to the updates.  This is normal.  What is important is that after the updates, the services are up and running.

  • The problem with the media ejecting and asking for other media sounds like a media set problem.
  •  Hi Glenn,
    Which version of backup exec it is ?

    above is the link to admin guide for backup exec 12 (Will be helpful)

    Also, is SBS 2003 Box the Media server ( I assume - YES)

    I would suggest the following :

    1) remove and install the latest agents.

    2) make sure that BE is running under the correct user context

    3) Backup Exec and agents run as services so make sure they have the correct account with access to the resource.

    Close Backup Exec, and then re-open it ; then do a update (makin sure no job is in action at that time) - also if its just a SBS 2003 Box you have to backup and they have the media for BE ; you can do a clean install to start fresh, won't take much time - however you  may have to restart the server and configure the tape drive ;

    You would also have to restart the SBS Box after BE Updates.

    First check to make sure the account configured for Backup Exec is valid and has not expired or locked out ; sometimes a password change makes this happen as well

  •  I would agree with the above, in terms of a password change on the BE account being a distinct possibility.  

    One other recommendation I would make, is to try and sell the client something like an Iomega stor center NAS box  ( < £200), and configure the built in Window SBS backup utility to do a scheduled backup to the NAS box ( say at weekends).  That way even if they forget to do the tapes down the line you will hopefully have some kind of backup.   We do this for most of our customers now - I always like to have more than one type of backup if possible, and ideally with different software.

    The other thing worth checking is, if the backup hasn't been working, then the exchange logs will be eating into disk space.   If you haven't sorted the BE account problem yet, just make sure you're not about to run out of disk space on the C: drive ( which is the default for the exchange, but it could have been moved).
